So I have been kicking around the idea of blogging for awhile now but just never got around to doing it. I decided to set it up with some encouragement from my family and friends. One of those friends thought I should introduce myself to let everyone one know who I am and maybe why I am doing this.
I am just an average guy, married to his college sweetheart and working an average job. So what do I have to say? There is a lot going on out there that I have thoughts on. Maybe starting a blog wont fix the many problems we have in this county, the world or even my own house but I want to express and share my thoughts with other people and get their perspective. I hope to get enough people who will pass my blog on to other people where real issues can be discussed and if there are enough people following maybe something good can come from it. That being said other things will be discussed like sports, video games and anything else I can randomly think of will be brought up as well.
So enjoy my thoughts and feel to express your own opinions because I would love to hear them. Also feel free to pass my link on to your friends and so I can get as many followers as possible.