Recently President Obama won the Nobel Peace prize. My question is for what??? It seems historically that the prize hase been given to some people that have done nothing to promote peace!! Yassar Arafat comes to mind. The commitee that gave the president the prize admitted that the award is for what they expect him to do instead of what he has actually done. I find this appalling!!!.
The Nobel peace prize should be an award that is above politics. The award should go to a person that does something to promote peace in the world and/or ACTUALLY DOES SOMETHING to achieve it. Someone who should have received the award was President Reagan. Mr Reagan initiated arms control talks and signed treaties that reduced the size of the nuclear weapons between the Soviet Union and the United States. Reagan's policies of modernizing the United States armed forces helped lead to the end of the cold war, the end of communism in most of the world and the tearing down of the Berlin Wall. If anyone was deserving of the award it was President Reagan.
The award has been given to President Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Roosevelt received the award for ending the Russo-Japanese war. Wilson won the award for his work in creating the League of Nations after World War I. These people actually did something to promote peace in their time.
This is what the award should be used for instead of what people are expected to do. Let's hope Obama lives up to the high expectations that the world has for him and earns the award. In the future the award should be reserved for those who have actually done something for peace in their time.