Last November I crossed Party lines and Voted for President Obama. It seemed that Obama was going to be the lesser of 2 evils between he and McCain. While I will not speculate on how McCain would be doing if he was elected, I will comment on the disappointment I feel regarding President Obama.
Our new President has mortgaged future generations by spending nearly a trillion dollars on an economic stimulus package that was twice the size it needed to be and much of it could not possibly do anything to improve the economy. I posted on Facebook at the time it was too large and I stand by it now.
While I credit Obama for trying to reform health care he has gone too far with trying to create a government run option. The new program will become bloated with people that the government did not anticipate would join the program. Please see my previous post for additional views on the health care debate. Once again the plans in Congress will cost approximately 1 trillions Dollars. Who will ultimately have to pay for the debt we are taking on? The answer is the average person. the rich will not be able to pay anymore because they will have had their taxes raised already.
Another issue I have is the President's lack of foreign policy skills. Between going around to other countries and apologizing for America's actions to bowing to another foreign leader, it's making the United States look weak to the rest of the world. The United States is a great country and the world owes us more than they can repay. How do you repay freedom?
President Obama should not go around criticizing this great country who elected him to the office held by George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan. Also as a head of state bowing to another foreign leader is not appropriate. The President's staff should prepare him better on a situation like this. Common sense should tell the leader of this country that he shouldn't do it anyway.
These are among the many things over the past year that have disappointed me about our new president. I regret my vote and wish I could have it back. The great things about this country is we vote every 4 years and hopefully the Republican Party can get it's act together and run someone who can compete with the President.