I am a Roman Catholic who grew up going to catholic elementary school and high school. I was raised to go to church every weekend and to believe in the Church's teachings. Like many people, my relationship with the church has faded with time. Recently I went to mass and listened to the Priest speak about the problems the church is having with the shortage of priests. He also spoke about other problems that he had with the church.
I believe that the church as an institution has many problems and needs to be reformed. The church is stuck in its old traditions that no longer apply in this ever changing world. One of these traditions that should be changed would be that priests can't get married. The Church should allow priests to get married and allow women to become priests. I think you would get a better quality of person to lead the parishes.
There have been many sex scandals involving priests. I am not saying all priests are child molesters. I am saying that you may get a better quality person who is allowed to be married. This person would be able to relate better to his or her congregation. I know all men and women are not perfect and some cheat on their partners. While cheating on your partner with another man or woman is not right and a sin, it is better than molesting a 13 year old boy.
I realize that the church relies on donations to run. I find it distasteful when they request money during mass. I feel that during this sacred time, that you spend with God, you should not interrupt it asking for money. Lastly the church should stay out of politics and lobbying. This is a violation of church and state and this practice should be stopped.
The Catholic Church has many problems but it also does good things.
I am not going to deny the fact that it helps many people through its words and actions. I feel the institution needs to reform itself and change with the times. The Church should learn from it's flaws and adapt to the modern world. I have my own personal reasons why I have moved away from the Church but I think that the reasons stated here are the primary reasons why I am not involved with the church like I used to be.