Like many of you, I have been watching the progress, or lack of progress for that matter, in attempting to stop the oil spill in the gulf. BP has repeatedly shown its ineptness in stopping the leak and preventing a possible worldwide ecological disaster. There is a webcam which shows the amount one of the earth's greatest natural resources being wasted. I am not riveted to this webcam because it makes me sick seeing the amount of oil coming out of the earth without it being stopped.
I also want to blame the President for not taking control of the situation by recognizing that BP is failing to fix the problem. At this point the President should find out if the military can take control of the situation and stop the leak themselves. I find it hard to believe that a company worth billions and a superpower nation, with so many smart engineers in both, can not stop this leak in a reasonable amount of time.
I am not an environmentalist but I do believe that we should do what we can to protect the earth. I do believe that this oil spill is one of the world's worst natural disasters in history. The fact that no-one knows what to do about it is even worse.