On the eve of the a snow storm headed towards the Chicagoland area, I would like to to pose this question. Would it be possible for the weather people on TV and radio to get together and get their stories straight?!?!?!!??!
On the way home from work I heard one weather report that indicates the snow will come Tuesday and cold Wednesday and on another report the snow will be Wednesday and cold Thursday. THIS WAS ON THE SAME RADIO STATION!!!!! I realize that weather can be unpredictable and weather patterns can change without much notice, but it would be nice to have a little a consistency from the weather people to be able to plan my commute.
One person who I find amusing doing the weather is Tom Skilling of WGN News. Skilling gets in so much detail with his weather forecasts that after awhile I stop paying attention. Once I start to pay attention again the forecast is over and I have no idea what to expect. It's hard to know if Skilling is right or wrong when you can remember and/or understand what he is predicting.
With the technology available today, forecasting the weather is a lot better than it used to be but it's hardly where it should be. All I ask to get a consensus once in awhile and have it be correct.