When you are in the car as much as I am, I listen to the radio and hear lots of commercials. The commercial that aggravates me the most is for Marconi Giardiniera.
These commercials are supposed to portray Chicagoans with thick Chicago style accents worrying about if they can get Giardiniera to put on their Italian beefs or for tailgating. The problem I have with these commercials is they make it sound like all Chicagoans are not very intelligent, have thick accents and sound like they would be a character in the Sopranos. It would be nice if the producers of this spot would give Chicagoans a little more credit for their intelligence and less of a mobster mentality. I am from the Southwest side of Chicago and probably have some sort of accent although I have never really noticed one. I do not feel that this commercial represents me or how I talk.
On the other end of the spectrum I get a kick out of the Subway commercials where 4 guys are sitting at lunch and they have kids voices over lapping the adults voice and they are offering the guy eating the Sub their lunch. I find it a very unique and amusing commercial and do not mind watching it.
In the end both commercials are doing their jobs in making the public remember the product and talking about them.