Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Mass election

On Tuesday January 19, 2010 Scott Brown was elected to the Senate in Massachusetts. This election not only divided that state, but it has divided America on the issue of health care. Congress no longer has a “super” majority to pass the health care plan without some sort of Republican support or filibuster. This insurance plan will be bad for America because it does not fix all the problems in the health care system.

The problem does not just sit with the Democrats or Republicans. The problem lies with both parties. The bill the Democrats have created fails to identify a key issue regarding health care, at least for me. The issue that I do not see getting corrected is the unchecked ability to increase insurance premiums for individual and group plans without a cap. Skyrocketing insurance premiums threaten to hurt the ability of individuals and families to keep their heads above water. In an economy where some companies are not giving out raises and high gas prices, we can not afford to pay significantly higher premiums for less coverage.

The governments health care plan does deal with important issues regarding pre-existing conditions and dropping coverage due to too many claims. The rest of it is expensive “fluff” that will not work. Health care reform is needed but not at the expense of common sense. I have had previous posts with my ideas regarding health care. Short of running for Congress myself, these ideas will not be considered by Congress because the special interest groups take up too much of our Congressman’s time lobbying for their interests.

Our government is broken and anyone who claims they can go to Washington and fix it is either lying or naïve to how the federal government is run. The only way it will get fixed is when Congress starts to listen to the people instead of big money.