In this time of recovery from the worst recessions since the great depression, the United States has to make tough budgetary decisions in order for our government to not be overwhelmed in debt that we will never be able to get out of.
The United States government has gotten too large and expensive to continue on its current path. In order for the budget to be balanced and the national debt to start to be reduced, we Americans are going to have to make sacrifices. People are going to have to take personal responsibility for things they have come to expect the government to handle.
At this point nothing should be off limits with regards to spending cuts. This would include reductions to defense spending, foreign aid, social security etc. This country is drowning in debt and work needs to begin immediately to prevent our country from becoming a second class country.
The United States is a great country with great people. It's time to focus on ourselves to make sure we continue to be a great country otherwise we will end of like many European countries who used to be great but now rely on the United States to lead.