I will start off by saying that the Mosque that is being proposed near the World Trade Center site has the legal right to be built. I will not argue that point at all. I do feel that even proposing that it be built on or near that site is insensitive to the victims and their families of the worst act of terrorism in American history.
I see the protesters who are against the proposed mosque and some of their signs are racist and horrible. I am not against Islam or Muslims and feel that these signs are worse than the idea of the proposed Mosque itself. These signs promote hate and bigotry which is not what the United States should be about.
My point is that the horrific events of 9/11 were done by extremists in the name of Allah and having a mosque on that site is insensitive to the horrific tragedy that happened there. It seems like the people who want it there want to make names for themselves by causing controversy and that is wrong and should be stopped.
If the Mosque is built I believe that it should be left alone and the people who go should be allowed to pray in peace. I do believe that it should not be allowed to be built as a sign of respect for the people who died there.