It's been over a week of jury Deliberations and they are deadlocked on several counts. I guess it's time to ask what part of extortion does the jury not understand. Blagojevich has tried to extort money and favors from a children's hospital to the president-elect. The former governor even tried to extort the Chicago Tribune to have the state buy Wrigley Field if the editorial board wrote nice things about him.
Granted the Wrigley Field thing never happened and he never got a job in the President's administration(one of the few things Obama has done right). The issue should his intent and the prosecution should have proof that he did accept money for favors. If the prosecution does not have this proof they should not have gone forward with the trial.
The evidence in this case is so overwhelming bad for Blago that is he is not convicted, all the lawyers for the federal government should lose their jobs for incompetence. In addition, if the former governor is found innocent he will never let this state and country for that matter forget it. I just want to see this guy go away because he and his wife are out of their minds!!!