After historic election, President Obama faces the danger of becoming a one term president and can thank his own party for that. Congress has a majority of Democrats, whom the President thought would do his bidding on what ever he wanted. As we have seen, that is not the case.
The president allowed Congress to overspend on a stimulus package that has not worked very well. The president’s main mission when he took office was to fix the health care system and he had the majority in Congress to get what he wanted. Politics is politics even in your own party. Everyone in the party has had their hand out in order to secure their vote for the bill. Due to this the bill has been slow to materialize, If the President can’t get his own party to act quickly to get a major piece of legislation passed, what does that say about his leadership?
The president is a powerful speaker and I have a lot of respect for him, but being able to move people by a speech is no longer enough. The president needs to lead and he has not done it. If the President can not exert some leadership soon, voters will be looking for a new leader at the next election. It doesn’t take much for the public to turn against you when you can’t get something done, just ask President Carter and the first President Bush.